Originally published on LinkedIn Most people are not aroused by cement. Yet it’s the most popular material used in the world after water. And you need water and cement to make concrete among others such as sand and small stones. Cement is readily...
Originally posted on LinkedIn Unless you have been living under a rock, most of us have heard and may even have solar technology atop our roofs at home. Indeed, the price of solar has come a long way down ever since it was first introduced in 1954 with a slim...
Originally posted on LinkedIn With upwards of three billion people dependent on seafood for their animal protein intake; making the industry accountable for its actions, by measuring and incentivising business impact towards a sustainable food system that works for...
Originally posted on LinkedIn As part of our innovation series, where we look at solutions for the future, this week we examine the Zero Mass Water SOURCE hydropanels providing clean water. Founder and chief executive, Cody Friesen – a professor at Arizona State...
Originally posted on LinkedIn The damage done As the human population has increased, more than a third of the land surface and three-quarters of freshwater resources are now used to grow food. Human activity has significantly altered three-quarters of our...