Law enforcement in the Philippines

Up until not so long ago, I thought that this third world-come-developing country was like the wild wild west! I have come to discover that in fact the Philippines has plenty of law and law enforcers. Spend a day or two in this marvelous pleasant summer paradise, and...

Sustainability matters!

Sustainability matters! Working in the ‘sustainability’ space with medium to large enterprises over the years, I have unfortunately at times been faced with the casual response of: “this does not affect us, nor do we have any say”. This ‘why should I care’ attitude is...

Backcasting the future of sustainability

If you fail to plan, you plan to fail! It was not so long ago that the catch-cry of business was planning. As the adage goes: if you fail to plan, you plan to fail. As a high achiever, this compelled me, several years ago, to become the best planner possible and...

Sri Lanka – Eco-tourism and the Temple of the dogs

Overlooking the Indian ocean, I am sitting on the balcony of the Face Hotel, Colombo, Sri Lanka, where one of the most prolific science and science-fiction writers ever, Arthur Charles Clarke (1917-2008) penned his famous series of novels. It is quite fitting as when...

Business transitions for sustainability

Business transitions for sustainability Over the last twenty years, it has become apparent that government and business play an important and active role in achieving sustainability. In particular, understanding to what extent one’s own business is sustainable,...