Reasoning from first principles

Reasoning from first principles

Originally posted on LinkedIn With upwards of three billion people dependent on seafood for their animal protein intake; making the industry accountable for its actions, by measuring and incentivising business impact towards a sustainable food system that works for...
All-in-one clean water solution

All-in-one clean water solution

Originally posted on LinkedIn As part of our innovation series, where we look at solutions for the future, this week we examine the Zero Mass Water SOURCE hydropanels providing clean water. Founder and chief executive, Cody Friesen – a professor at Arizona State...
The history of sustainability

The history of sustainability

Business was invented to make our life better, or so we are told. What is clear is that much of our unsustainable issues are due to the disregard of business far and wide, the world over. Whilst business is the biggest culprit, it also represents our greatest source...