Originally posted on LinkedIn Climate crisis, exports, and renewable energy Australia is facing the worst drought ever, brought on by the climate crisis. Yet not all, including our political leaders, are convinced. The Morrison government claims Australia...
Civilization is faced with an existential crisis of proportions never faced before. Despite this, solutions abound, with new innovations appearing at every turn. We have the know-how, we have the technology and science on our side. We ‘simply’...
Originally posted on LinkedIn Continuing our innovation series, let’s look at a scalable and affordable solution that globally addresses our plastics in the ocean. Whilst there are several programs afloat (pardon the pun) to clean up and remove plastics from the...
Originally posted on LinkedIn Thirteen months on and the WBA delivers its first official corporate sustainability performance scorecard: the Seafood Stewardship Index (SSI), devised in collaboration with those within the Seafood industry. Measuring the world’s thirty...
Originally posted on LinkedIn As part of our innovation series, where we look at solutions for the future, this week we examine the Zero Mass Water SOURCE hydropanels providing clean water. Founder and chief executive, Cody Friesen – a professor at Arizona State...