Originally posted on LinkedIn The damage done As the human population has increased, more than a third of the land surface and three-quarters of freshwater resources are now used to grow food. Human activity has significantly altered three-quarters of our...
Business was invented to make our life better, or so we are told. What is clear is that much of our unsustainable issues are due to the disregard of business far and wide, the world over. Whilst business is the biggest culprit, it also represents our greatest source...
Originally posted on LinkedIn Certainly times have changed – drastically. The sharing economy is vast, with different meanings to various consumers. You can now get an unsecured personal loan directly from your peers, share the same office space with dozens of...
Originally posted on LinkedIn Earlier this month we launched the Flourishing Enterprise Institute (FEI). Seven years in the making, 1600+ members strong, and 80+ monthly meetings later, it aims to be a planetary network of applied research nodes dedicated to...
Originally posted on LinkedIn Is veganism sustainable? Whilst conventional wisdom would have you think so, a rethink may be in order. An article published in the Washington Post details how a number of studies including one by Carnegie Mellon University, undermines...